Dance Alchemy


Workshops, Retreats, Coaching, 

Teacher Training

DANCE is a natural order of the Universe

ALCHEMY is a process of purification, transformation, and creation

Dance Alchemy originated in 2006 in Ficho training when Goran Bogdanovski started to share weekly dance practices and workshops based on contemporary methodologies and ancient wisdom. Since then it has been developed and tested with more than 3,000 people in 23 countries from all kinds of adult people, non-professional dancers, professional dancers, people with disabilities, dance & yoga teachers, martial artists, therapists, psychologists, coaches, managers, heart entrepreneurs, CEO's, change leaders… 

Dance Alchemy had its genesis in 2006 when Goran Bogdanovski initiated a journey of sharing weekly dance practices and workshops rooted in contemporary methodologies and ancient wisdom within the Ficho training community. Over the years, this unique approach has evolved and been refined, benefitting more than 3,000 individuals across 23 countries. This diverse group has included adults of various backgrounds, from non-professional to professional dancers, individuals with disabilities, dance and yoga instructors, martial artists, therapists, psychologists, coaches, managers, heart-centered entrepreneurs, CEOs, change leaders...

In addition to our weekly Ficho trainings in Ljubljana since 2006,  we have facilitated creative and transformative processes in the form of classes, workshops, research projects, laboratories, coaching, and mentoring for:

Methods used are an accumulation of knowledge and experience gathered through the life of Goran in the fields of Dance, Dance Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Theatre, Meditation, Yoga, Martial arts, Spirituality, Shamanism, Therapy, Personal Growth, Team building, and Embodied Leadership.

Through years of dedicated practice and exploration, we've distilled a repertoire of more than 100 practical tools that can be effortlessly integrated into anyone's life, regardless of their prior dance experience or knowledge. These tools are invaluable in everyday life, workplace dynamics, relationship building, creativity enhancement, therapeutic processes, and the development of leadership skills. 

In recent times, a cohort of dedicated Dance Alchemy facilitators has emerged, seamlessly integrating this profound knowledge into their unique talents and expertise. Together, they have been catalyzing transformative experiences for people worldwide, all through the transformative power of dance.


DANCE ALCHEMY TEACHER TRAINING facilitator certification program

Discover our proprietary Dance Alchemy Tools to Inspire, Structure, Shape, and Lead your Facilitations with Confidence to Create more Powerful Embodied and Transformational Results. 

Turn your Gifts and Experience into a Thriving Practice and Business 

*For those who are committed to contributing their unique gifts that only you have in service to the world


Personalized support and coaching/mentoring with Goran Bogdanovski to meet your specific needs and goals.

To ensure a high level of success, we only take on 1 client at a time. If you are interested and being considered, please APPLY for a connection call with Goran.

If we both feel that we are a good fit, we'll create a custom price for you.


facilitator certification program

The next Dance Alchemy Retreat & Teacher Training has been scheduled.

The application window will remain open until all available spots have been taken. Limited places are available, reserve your place and Apply today.

Workshops / Trainings / Events

Ficho training, a training of the body, mind and spirit through dance improvisation and creativity.

FICHO TRAINING / weekly practice


Dance Alchemy Retreat & Teacher Training


Dance Alchemy & Brunch


I'm Goran Bogdanovski, Holistic Dance Teacher, Transformational & Embodied Leadership Coach, Choreographer, Dancer ... and founder of Ficho Institute

I have lived and breathed dance professionally since 1990 in the field of performing arts (classical ballet, contemporary dance, physical theatre, videos, and film). For over 10 years I was dancing for the Slovene National Ballet Company, from corps de ballet to principal roles and at the same time parallelly enjoyed a rich and versatile career as a freelance artist that brought me to work with many contemporary choreographers and theatre directors from the Slovenian and European art scene.

 In 2000 I started practicing Freedom - embodied Lifestyle. I had my own dance company, choreographed performances, and toured extensively around the world. I ran dance studios, academy, festivals, platforms, and networks.

In 2006 I started teaching, coaching, and mentoring. Methods I use are an accumulation of knowledge and experience gathered through my life in the field of Dance Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Theatre, Meditation, Yoga, Martial arts, Spirituality, Shamanism, Therapy, Personal growth, Team building, Business Strategy, and Leadership.

I’ve devoted my life to bring embodiment, dance, improvisation, creation, empowerment, and healing, helping people to become that 2.0 version of themselves.

In fact, through teaching, mentoring, and coaching for the past 16 years in 23 countries, working with more than 3000 people, from non-professional movement lovers, professional dancers, people with disabilities, dance & yoga teachers, martial artists, therapists, psychologists, coaches, professors, managers, heart entrepreneurs, CEO's, change leaders…

I’ve discovered what functions clearly for any-body regardless of dance background, experience, or level of understanding of dance, and created a Ficho method with more than 100 exercises, games, and Dance Alchemy tools that can also be transferred to daily situations, relations, and work.

Tools that can also be used for creation, classes, workshops, sessions, retreats, therapy, coaching, leadership, personal growth, and more.

Ficho method and Dance Alchemy tools work so well, it makes it easy for anyone to learn, implement, replicate or upgrade for their own needs or the needs of their clients and students. And can also be used in the creation, classes, workshops, sessions, retreats, therapy, coaching, leadership, personal growth, ... and especially for living a Freedom- embodied Lifestyle.

read more about Goran

 What people are saying about working with Goran?

“I came to this retreat to learn new tools for my dance classes, and it exceeded all my expectations. I learned a variety of practices, including breathwork, dance improvisation, contact improvisation, and dance therapy, all of which enriched my facilitation skills.

The experience was incredible, not just for the learning but also for the beautiful setting, amazing food, and the deep connections I formed with like-minded people. Goran, our facilitator, was exceptional—his strong energy, deep knowledge, and insightful feedback helped me grow as a facilitator and gain clarity in my work.

I would highly recommend this retreat to any facilitator working with the body, whether in dance, yoga, or meditation. It’s a transformative experience that offers another level of growth and results for both you and your clients."

Carmen Fernandez; embodiment coach and conscious dance facilitator / Spain-Ireland

“Before this retreat, I had a deep desire to start facilitating women’s groups, but I lacked the tools and confidence to do so. I also wanted to reconnect with my body and enhance my own dance practice.

This retreat has been an incredible experience. I’ve made meaningful connections, formed new friendships, and learned new ways to move and dance. I now feel more in tune with my body and gained the confidence to lead and facilitate sessions.

Goran, our facilitator, is highly skilled, sensitive to the group’s needs, and offers a truly professional and supportive environment.

I’m going home with a wealth of tools, practical experience, and a newfound sense of courage and belief in myself. I feel ready to start facilitating, and the online resources provided will continue to support me on this journey. I can’t recommend this experience enough—it’s been truly transformative.”

Linda Norin; women’s group and dance embodiment facilitator / Sweden

“I attended this retreat to gain new tools, build confidence, and expand my teaching approach. I felt stuck in my own style, and this experience gave me fresh perspectives and techniques.

Dance Alchemy retreat broadened my vision of what it means to be a teacher and facilitator. Watching others teach and receiving insightful feedback was a breakthrough for me. 

Goran's non-judgmental approach, deep knowledge of movement and dance and his ability to see the unique qualities in each person made me feel safe and supported. His detailed feedback was invaluable and allowed me to find clarity and develop my own teaching style.”

Amira Shawky; dance and retreats facilitator / Netherlands

“I attended the retreat to re connect with myself and become a student again. 

I felt burnt out  in the chaos of life &  I needed time to gain clarity in my personal and professional life. 

I experienced so much inspiration, healing, joy, laughter, tears, freedom and so much magic at the retreat. 

There was a collective energy of enthusiasm, support, compassion and empowerment in the group. I did not expect this to be as great as it was as new group dynamics can be sometimes challenging. 

I transformed so much deep pain that was weighing me down. I felt the space & lightness physically, emotionally & mentally and the clarity to continue on my path was crystal clear. 

Goran is a genuinely inspiring facilitator who imparts his teachings with a potent yet gentle touch. The sincerity and humility of his soul shine through, along with his deep passion for his work. I felt support, encouragement, trust and peace in his presence. 

This retreat was everything I needed to go forward in the direction of my goals and dreams. It gave me the time, space & tools to see what was no longer serving me. It connected me back to my source and affirmed my talents. 

I would prescribe this retreat to anybody that loves movement and dance, wants empowerment or needs a life reset. 

I’m already looking forward to the next retreat. I’m so very grateful to you Goran and I thank you from my heart and soul 🙏🏽

Trish Roche 

Dance Facilitator & Choreographer - The Place of Dance / Ireland 

"I came to this retreat seeking support as I prepared to return to work after my maternity break. I needed to reconnect with my love for dance and rediscover whether I still wanted to be a performer and choreographer. My passion had been buried beneath the chaos of life and work, and I also sought healing from past trauma.

Working with Goran provided me with the safety and space I needed to believe in myself again. I felt a surge of creative energy that surprised me, and I uncovered new mechanisms for action within myself. The retreat gave me more than I ever expected.

I was deeply moved by the people I met—each with their own unique sensibilities and personalities. Despite our differences, we quickly formed a close bond, supporting, laughing, and even crying together. I never expected to feel this level of connection after just a few days.

Through Dance Alchemy, Goran offered me a wonderful playground for self-exploration and growth. His spirituality, grounding, humor, and open-heartedness had a profound impact on me. By the end of the retreat, I knew exactly where I stood and what I wanted to do next.

Funnily enough, the day after my return, I got a call from a theatre, where I had co-created a performance four years ago, asking me to do a workshop with the people of that city. The topic: embodied memories. I agreed, because I feel ready:) The funny thing is that I don't generally run workshops and I can't remember the last time someone called me with such a proposal for very good money :) Thank You!"

Katarzyna Gorczyca; performer, choreographer, embodiment facilitator / Poland

"I joined the retreat because I wanted to explore movement and dance more deeply. Dancing in the presence of others who share the same passion brings me joy. While I enjoy dancing alone, doing it with like-minded people takes the experience to another level. The retreat offered a sense of exposure, playfulness, and connection that I was craving.

During the retreat, I experienced a beautiful flow—work, dance, awareness, emotions, and a deep sense of community. The location was stunning, filled with powerful thunderstorms and shooting stars, all adding to the magic. Goran, our coach and guide, was exceptional in leading us through this journey.

One of the most valuable takeaways for me was the confirmation that, even at 60, I can enjoy movement without shame, connecting with others and having fun in a safe, supportive environment. I learned to embrace vulnerability and continue to grow in awareness while dancing freely.

The retreat also touched on real business insights, which made sense even beyond the world of dance. Goran emphasized the importance of knowing your purpose, being clear in communication, and delivering valuable results—principles that are as relevant in business as they are in life.

Goran is an incredible facilitator—grounded, generous, and focused on what the group and each individual need. He kept us engaged with humor and direction, making the experience not only fulfilling but also enjoyable. He’s truly one of the best trainers I’ve encountered.

This program is about more than just movement; it’s about learning to express, communicate, and face vulnerability, all while having fun. It’s a transformative experience I’d highly recommend to anyone seeking personal or professional growth through dance and movement."

Massimo Carrara

Manager, Business Executive / Italy

"I joined the Dance Alchemy Teacher Program to gain tools and knowledge and explore my body's potential through movement. The experience exceeded all my expectations. I found deep connections, joy, and laughter, alongside some challenging moments.

Leading a class for the first time and receiving valuable feedback was transformative. Goran is a straightforward and insightful teacher, offering not just dance but practical advice on building a career as a facilitator, making a business out of it. I’m beyond grateful for that.

I was amazed at my own strength and how stepping out of my comfort zone led to incredible growth. Goran’s blend of life philosophy and dance, delivered at the perfect moments so it would attach to you forever, made the lessons unforgettable.

After just one week, I feel aligned with my path, energized, and connected to myself. The retreat’s combination of great food, healing nature, daily breathwork, yoga, enough time to rest & create, so many different tools/movements combined together, every day was a mystery and discovery! 

If you feel the call, don’t hesitate—trust your heart like I did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ."

Egne Raba; dance enthusiast, movement facilitator / Finland 

“I attended this retreat because I wanted to incorporate more dance movement and embodiment practices into my work. I had heard great things about Goran and knew this teacher training would be an excellent resource.

During the retreat, I experienced deep connection and personal growth. It was truly magical. Goran, one of the most renowned dance pedagogues in Slovenia and internationally, is incredibly inspiring. His energy and expertise are remarkable, and he leads with strength and wisdom.

This training is ideal for anyone facilitating movement practices or dancers looking to expand their skills and grow beyond current structures. I highly recommend it.”

Tinka Hernavs; facilitating international training courses and youth exchanges / Slovenia

"What amazed me most was how the tools we learned can be applied to everyday life. Embodying movement helps us better understand what's happening in our bodies, allowing us to handle challenging situations more effectively. I didn’t expect the experience to go so deep and uncover so many layers, but I was met with incredible support from wonderful people, and we had so much fun together.

Goran is a humble and wise facilitator who creates space for everyone without judgment. His knowledge and experience shine through in everything he shares, and we affectionately call him 'the magician.'

I highly recommend this retreat to anyone. It’s a magical experience where you’ll grow and gain so much if you're open to it. I’m incredibly grateful for this journey."

Maja Mlakar; helping children with their education and the challenges they face in life / Slovenia

"If you are searching for clarity and inspiration, looking to be reinvigorated as a teacher, facilitator, coach and retreat into a space where you can connect with yourself, your potential, and your path... sign up for Goran’s training."

Michelle Campbell; dancer, teacher and movement therapist / USA-DE

"I’m finally teaching again and using what you’ve shown me. Everyone loves the classes. I was stuck within my own self and walking through my family trauma and now  I’m teaching with fun, confidence and ease."

Jozef LeMonte; PURI Coaching/ USA

"Program gave me tools that can be used in a number of different professions as well as in personal and social relations. I feel clearer in my life direction and my perspective has expanded in terms of possibilities for my future."

Bridget McLemore; dancer and yoga teacher / USA

"Teacher training exceeded my expectations. Ficho exercises allowed me to understand improvisation better, so I can now easily to teach better. Thank you Goran for awakening my lost inner child!"

Barbara Guipponi; dance teacher & dancer / Italy

"Dance Alchemy is a journey into your soul and also with other souls. Goran can really hold the space and direct the energy so that the group can create easily and effective. Not all the facilitators have this ability."

Gamze Leela; yoga teacher, spiritual healer, retreat leader / UK

"After finishing the Dance Alchemy Teacher Training, I’m now able to independently pursue my path as a facilitator and provide a very expansive, unique, and authentic practice for my students & clients. Goran has a very specific approach as a guide: he’s a hypersensitive, patient, playful and accessible teacher, willing to guide you in whatever direction you propose. He will make you jump into unknown rivers and safely guide you through rough currents."

Sandra Anais ; dancer & Embodiment of Archetypes facilitator / Slovenia

“What I have gained from this experience is a really great sense of grounding and reassurance about my already existing teaching practice. I really dived into an experience of dancing for six hours a day that allowed me also to rediscover my playfulness and the source of my creative energy.

I would recommend this teacher training for anyone who is looking to start a movement practice or movement teaching practice because it offers a really great foundation to build your practice on with amazing tools. Or if you are already teaching and you are a bit in this space of needing reconfirmation and reassuring that you’re on the right path, this is a really good place for you to be.”

Sandra Gojić, embodiment trainer & movement teacher / Ireland

“I wanted to have more skills and tools to expand my practice with movement and what I learned here is a confirmation that a lot of stuff that I’m doing makes sense and I gained some sort of safety and confidence in the practice I already have.  And I’ve got tools, ideas, and new ways to improve those practices or even use them for different groups and people with different issues and needs. 

There are many things but one thing I noticed here in the last part of the retreat where we had to lead our workshops, I really appreciate how Goran was giving feedback because that's an art form in itself. I’m really impressed with how it was constructed, to the point, and he always saw and knew a crazy amount of details that he gave to us.

And one of the things that I did not expect was the people and the experience I had here has been also shaped by the people. So I take home with me a lot of people in my heart as well, and that’s maybe the most important part in the end.”

Anne Stilling Jeppesen;  psychologist, yoga teacher, healer, and a contact improv facilitator / Denmark

“I came here because I wanted to integrate and enrich my range of tools I could suggest to my students and clients and it’s been a very empowering experience from many points of view, emotional, technical, and professional. it was something that has worked at a deeper level, at a level where everybody is ready to go.

Goran led our sessions very accurately, patiently, and with care. Some sessions were led by other people here, the teachers, the trainers as part of teacher training… and it was very interesting to see how everybody can bring out the best from themselves and how you can really get to know them better once you see them doing the things they enjoy the most. It’s really inspiring to be their guinea pig and to test on yourself what was or wasn’t effective.”

Luisella Zandolin; holistic & forgiveness facilitator / Italy

“ I loved the 5 days I just spent exploring movement under Goran’s wise & playful guidance. I needed some inspiration and some innovative ways to play with and think about dance, and I found some!

Goran’s work walks the delicate & permeable line between pure dance/movement and personal development, deep inner work. We all experienced our “stories” rising up at times but Goran was able to elegantly show us ways to channel those energies back into our dance. 

Goran is generous with his extensive knowledge and experience, and my only regret is not being able to immerse myself for longer! Each day was fun, interesting, and sometimes challenging but in a good, positive, healthy way. I really look forward to learning more with him in the future!”

Allison Mulroy; studio owner, dance teacher & dancer / Bali

"I joined this Dance Alchemy TT with Goran because I'm at a crossroads in my life and I've been looking for clarity and inspiration.  A pathway to combine my experience teaching yoga and love of dance into an offering for those who want to tap into their inner power to live their fullest life. A life of joy and purpose with passion. 

Goran embodies living with passion. He is generous in sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience and is intuitive in his teaching. 

Although intense, the workshop is well organized and offers many tools to make people feel comfortable, safe yet adventurous. It will challenge you to meet your edge and grow. 

I recommend it for anyone looking for a fun, yet powerful personal growth experience."  

Audrey Kolb

Yoga Instructor and Dancer / Bali

“It was so intensive, magical, and beautiful. I got many many tools that I will definitely integrate and use in my embodiment work, but I also got this opportunity to live a lifestyle of a dancer which I wanted for a very long time. 

I’m grateful for you Goran holding me a space every time I came to you, asked a question or came to you with stories, my inner events that occurred, and all the way I felt safe and supported.

I feel content, grateful, and happy and I’m very curious to see how this journey will continue.”

Jelena Vuković; poet & women embodiment coach / Montenegro

"As a dance instructor and movement therapist, I often find it challenging to find a healthy balance between blending the two practices while respecting them as their own thing. For a few years now, I felt that I was losing my creative edge and focus. A few times I thought I would have to give up one practice and solely focus on the other. This led to a sense of being torn, stuck and unsatisfied with my work. A recent move and health issue forced me to stop, take some time off, and rethink my professional path. I wanted to find a way to bring both practices together which would be satisfying as a teacher and facilitator. I needed a clear direction; I found Goran’s training and signed up.

When I arrived to the Dance Alchemy Intensive, I felt as if I had been walking into a brick wall for months. However, I walked away from the intensive with a new sense of purpose, focus, and satisfaction. I could dream again.

I now have a clear plan and action steps, thanks to Goran’s coaching, the input from the community of participants, and the additional times given to us for personal reflection.

Goran’s leadership style invites participants to look deeply into their intentions, values, and desires. He holds space for everyone naturally, making it look effortless. Goran leads not with his ego, but with his heart, and also from a place of vulnerability. He would catch up with us in the free times and inspire us to be accountable to the personal tasks we had set for ourselves. I felt known by the leader, which is more than I’ve ever experienced in past workshop intensives. Goran was always himself; a mature and experienced leader. I highly recommend his trainings."

Michelle Campbell; dancer, teacher & movement therapist / USA-DE

"Uniqueness of this program is coaching on a personal level, making one recognize the potential of dance practice outside of dance field." 

Alexey Dmitrenko; dancer, teacher & choreographer / Russia

"Simple 8 step process gave me a practical framework to establish a structure and express my creativity at the same time. 

During my first class people were inspired by teaching and the passion I put into it. I’m grateful to Goran for helping me give life to something I had yearned to do for a long time, but had a feeling I wasn’t good enough to do it."

Muriel Juillard; dance teacher / Bali

" I’ve took my dance to another level, got tools and inspiration for facilitation dance workshops in the future, came closer to myself and the nature. 

What surprised me really positively was people who I’ve met here. They’ve been amazing supportive, and they became like family members for me, hey became friends for me.

One of the aha moments for me was, that everyone shares different energy in this world and we need to take care of this energy, being soft and kind to each other, and support each other. "

Bibiana Krauskova; dancer / UK - Slovakia

" The most important benefit of Online course was of getting something I can refer to, also to see live examples and so many modalities to use. I got an excellent base point to build upon, exactly what I was looking for.

It gave me the confidence to teach now, which I was previously lacking.  

It’s truly transformational to see, how people use their bodies and how they are with others. And the way I move my body changed, the way I move through space changed, and my work did change because I will teach this!! 

Also, the breath-work was another incredible thing for me, as after it I had SO much energy for two whole days! 

An online Dance Alchemy Teacher Course will provide you the clarity, base, ideas, structure, and teaching tools for you to expand and create your own unique teaching practice.

I am about to take the next leap, wouldn't have been possible so soon without this!"

Arushi Malaker; dance & yoga teacher / India

“ I've just completed your online teacher program and THANK YOU so much, it was everything I looked for and even more. It was a real journey and I will make it continue. I really really really enjoyed it! 

I am a dance teacher but I never liked contests or judgment or dancing this way or that way for tv shows. I love dancing according to my feelings and I really wanted to open classes in which I could dance this way: to listen to my body and to have the tools to teach my students in a holistic and playful way.

After this experience, I definitely do not want to teach dance as I used to, even if I have to start on my own.

Online course Dance Alchemy Teacher Training is transforming, it opens our mind, it gives pleasure and freedom.

Thanks a lot, Goran for your tools, your experience, and your knowledge. It was great and rich to learn from you!

P.S ...One funny thing, during the lock-down, I asked my husband to train tools for duets and contact improvisation with me:) It was quite something! Difficult at the beginning and then, awesome! ”

Amandine Mons; dance & yoga teacher / France

I experienced a lot of things, and a lot of learnings, and every experience was a gift that showed me where I need to go and where I have gaps, in what areas of my life I would need to cut to develop myself to be able to share my gifts and assets with the world.

The training was well pasted, there was lots of opportunity for interaction and sharing, openness to feedback and inner processes that we were going through and Goran really opened a space to bounce off ideas and to be able to experiment a lot.

Goran was like a basket of surprise because there was always something new and unexpected, and he always knew how to incorporate moments of struggle for me personally into something that turned in the end into a wonderful landscape to play on, vast possibilities from knowing nothing into realizing the potential of what was going on in every session. 

He was really knowledgeable and very skilfully he navigated through all of the moments. He’s also very thoughtful and he knows when to lift the spirit and when to stir joking around and play, and also he knows when to get serious. And he really was able to show up in every moment equally, even though the training is very intense and intensive and his readiness in to be able to answer any question, and go through any situation, just really shows how professional he is.”

Linda Biros, feminine energy leader / Slovakia

" Goran really knows what he's doing with this dancing, he just have so many tools, so many little tricks to get out of his pocket, that is really amazing.

It's like guiding us so gently on the journey, that we didn't even notice that we left, and then suddenly we reached our destination: We were like … whoa, we didn't expect that:) And this is what I really like, like flow of all this inner work, a lot of tools, and at the same time making it gentle and  playful."

Ajda Flašker; meditation and yoga teacher / Slovenia

" I think the most important thing what I take with me is the the strength, finding my core again. 

Goran teaches with a lot of passion and a sense of community building and in a fun way, so that was important for me because in the last few months I was in need of laughter, communication of connection through fun, dynamic activities and through focused actions. He's a great facilitator. In this sense he’s like… “if you want to go there … go, there no excuses, just do it”. And for me that is exactly what I was looking for." 

Angela Maldonado; Inner dance therapist, yoga teacher / Spain

" I recommend Dance Alchemy Teacher Training to people who are already teaching something and want to develop, to become better, to think about their practice, and also to people who don't teach yet and wants to teach or maybe also not, who just want to move and explore and find themselves into the dance or some other practices. It's not just about dancing, dancing it's a tool to come closer to yourself.

My favourite moments were when we connected as a group and created some flow, and we become like one breath, like one heartbeat, and our heartbeats connected. And I like this connection of living in community, this was the best for me to be together with other people, to create and learn from each other, help each other to grow."

Živa Stojanovič; teacher of Circus. Acro yoga, Aerial yoga and Dance / Slovenia

“ It’s really a transformational experience. I see Goran as this energy, strong, powerful, but gentle at the same time. Someone who you can feel really is interested in transformation and helping people get to that transformation through movement because movement is his thing. Dance is his expression and his tool. He offers a great combination of concrete, practical, spiritual, personal and professional development.”

Carolina Parreira; art & dance producer / Portugal

“It was a powerful Journey. Goran is great, he has so much experience as a performer, and as a facilitator and a teacher he rally knows how to hold space, he really knows how to adapt to the group, he senses, he reads the room and knows how to guide everyone and the whole group, so that everyone gets the most from the experience. And he has so many tools he developed through years and years, and these tools are really so simple in a way, but so very powerful and so useful, and I and everybody can, no matter the skills people have, and how experienced they are, they can get something from the tools. But also they have so much depth, that if someone is more experienced in dance, or other body practices, it can go even deeper, so it’s just so many layers.”

Maša Tiselj; TV presenter, actress / Slovenia

“You are unique Goran with your energy and knowledge. You are passing on the mighty knowledge you have in a way that anyone can understand. And this is an art that only a few can do.” 

Lucija Poličnik; reiki master, angel therapist, ski instructor and horse riding teacher / Slovenia

“What I admire most is the facilitator himself Goran, he is an insane source of inspiration, an incredible mentor that encourages you to go on your path and sees you for who you are. And he allows the freedom to use his tools in your own way. He’s actually very happy if you take his tools and use them in your own way, to Alchemize them as he calls it. 

I’m really grateful and I would come back for more."

Katerina Danae Kandylaki; scientist and dance & movement facilitator / Netherlands

“This experience was like a re-birth and life-changing, it can take you on where you’re meant to go, your life path … there are many ways you can describe it, it’s wonderful and it’s just such a great opportunity to see how dance can bring you to yourself and to the truth.

I threw myself into the unknown and I experienced a lot, from healing emotions and wounds and allowing the inner work that needed to be done. The first moment I entered the studio I cried because I had come home and I saw the dance of life and everything, even in nature, and what a gift it is to dance. 

Goran is very skillful, patient, caring, and compassionate and has wonderful tools to incorporate dance into every field and our lives. Part of the work here ware also workshops led by other participants of the group I could learn from and they contributed to my healing and to my journey.”

Lena O' Driscoll; yoga teacher and zumba instructor / Ireland

“I lead my first dance workshop and I’m really proud of it!

I didn’t expect such a strong community and I’m really grateful for the wisdom of the group. You can really be yourself, you can articulate whatever you want, whatever you need, you can share what is on your mind, and your heart, and you can learn so much from others.

Goran is a great facilitator, he can really feel and lead the group, he’s so open to perceive and be aware of each individual in the group and that is rare and something really important.”

Tina Koščak; teacher / Slovenia

“It was a soul healing, creative and magical experience that I never could have imagined when asked Goran to work with me.” 

Alanka Kac / Slovenia

"If you would like to get to know yourself better and learn how can you use this what you have and what you are good at in your life, then you should come here because you have masters who can really support you on your way, personal, professional or what ever way. This is something where you can get the support."

Žiga Lukman; healer & social educator / Slovenia

"Great experience to learn more about the interaction of breathing and movement, energy connections, and empathic listening."

Federica Cecchet; civil engineer and an architect / Italy

"I came for the techniques and some wisdom. And apart of full of that, I also got my Soul :) or Home. Dance Alchemy is a perfect mix of exercises, that are enhancing body awareness, emotional intelligence and opens the dialogue between body - mind - emotions and soul, creating the primary space to just Be. I’ve also got new tools and methods for working with my team at current job and I feel clearer in my life direction and new possibilities to start new “profession."

Katja Beck Kos, cultural manager / Slovenia

“Ficho body work with Goran Bogdanovski is most amazing leadership learning experience I ever had. Looking back at the progress I made in last three years since starting the Ficho improvisation dance trainings, here are some awesome tweaks that made my life as a manager easier and more efficient. I made huge progress on stuff that brought me free time and energy boost in return. How to be clear around what I want, how to engage others to follow with ease, how to enter the space and radiate who I am, and the super bonus for this disruption prone times - I am more resilient, I am quicker at renewing my capacity to act at my will even in the moments of intense outside pressure. Profoundly grateful..” 

Svetlana Šaljič; co-owner & CTO at SETCCE / Slovenia

"Liberating and amazing experience! Goran has this knack of really connecting the essence of people and making you comfortable with getting in touch with really knowing yourself and not being afraid of it, enjoying it and enjoying the process.”

Paul Vratusha, investor & CEO at Atelier ltd. / Brasil - UK - Slovenia

Goran has developed a particular dance practice that allows us to swiftly switch from our mind back to our body. Returning us to the very place where we can again feel our needs, our full embodied and connection to ourselves.

Only from this position we can experience a purified self-reflection, dance our different roles, observe the use of our power, our reactions in relationships, set boundaries, express ourselves much more effortlessly.

A stronger self-awareness arises within ourselves which helps us understand both our private and business lives much better. It strengthens our ability to make the necessary changes, which in turn improves the quality of our life.

I am very happy that our paths have crossed."

Simona Hana Boc; Managing director and owner at Založba CHIARA / Slovenia

“ I came to liberate my emotions, to move and dance and to find new ways to express myself.  Goran is a nice guy and excellent teacher. He have a lot of knowledge and a lot of insight, he is much more then just a holistic dance teacher and executive coach and it’s going way into a spiritual and deeper into the matter of leadership. Strongly recommending to everyone!”

Vlado Vukadin; CEO at IRGO / Slovenia

“ I’ve got many practical tools for calming the mind. Courage and Love. More space in consciousness. More freedom to my body and movement was expected but the scale of its effect was not. It was huge."

Samuli Räsänen; senior R&D manager at Umicore Finland Oy / Finland

"Dance Alchemy Teacher Training is perfect for you if you want to focus on one hand on healing your body through dance, nature, community, breathing, and authentic expression, and/or on the other hand explore the world of dance and movement, and incorporate it into your work. I came for both reasons and I am so very grateful for this epic 14-day dance journey. At the end of the retreat, I was very inspired by the fact of how much can one learn and experience in these 14 days.

It didn't take me long into the sessions when I realized HOW much was going on in my head, and how hard it is to consistently stay in the body, the moment, and keep awareness of the movement, and the breath. I learned how dance is an amazing tool for observing the connection between mind – and body and how it works in me. It was refreshing to feel how much gratitude my body gives me if I put awareness inside of it, different parts, breathe into them, connect dance and breath, and voice. To basically move very naturally, without the baggage of how it is »appropriate« to dance.


Lessons with Goran on the dance floor are powerful, and because you really embody them during the exercises and dance, you remember them often even outside of the dance studio. »Dance first, talk later« was the main theme of all the sessions and I loved how we could always find the parallel between the dance floor and life at the end of the exercises. 

Goran is enthusiastic, unique, and sensitive to each person's needs and individuality. Once you have a session with him it is clear to you that he has years and years of all sorts of movement practices in his body. Every session seemed to flow so organically, and naturally, you feel supported and we were always surprised how effortlessly we were led into free dance improvisation while incorporating so many new perspectives, details, and practical tools to take our dance to a new level. He lovingly but also firmly encourages you to face your fears and doubts or questions, and to be playful and curious. I loved how he shared his knowledge and encouraged participants to reshape and transform them into our own.

The retreat was a great balance between work and rest, it is long enough so you can really work on yourself and go deep. It is not really only teacher training, it gives a space for deep personal work if you wish to do it, it is a great place to find clarity and direction. It empowers you to take action toward your dream. I never imagined I would lead a dance alchemy session at the end of the retreat and it was an amazing experience – to create and lead a group through the whole session. I now feel more confident and can't wait to integrate what I learned into my life and work.”

Maja Toni; bodywork practitioner & dance facilitator / Slovenia

"My intention in coming to the retreat was to be better prepared to offer somatic dance to my community, and I achieved that, but I also gained so much more.

Goran's wealth of experience and skill together with his personal, customized approach helped me focus on my own growth and inspired me to step into the version of me who is meant to do this work.

Our dance alchemy wizard created a beautiful space for a cohesive community in a perfect location and led us through challenges with love, wisdom and democracy.

It was a beautiful experience that I will always remember and I highly recommend working with Goran to anyone who wants to bring movement into their human experience at a deeper level."

Natasha Ramlall; Mind-body coach and Somatic dance facilitator / Canada

"I wanted to feel more confident about how I could connect and develop my dance movement therapy studies with my existing job as a teacher in the future. I also needed time to take a rest and reflect on myself after a period of running so hard. 

During this time, I fully immersed myself in my movement and expanded the range and methods of my movements, discovering myself more deeply and feeling more passionate about what I want to do in the future.

 Being able to spend so much time surrounded by beautiful nature was also a great relaxation.  I was recommended this program by a friend who attended the first dance alchemy teacher training and it has way exceeded my expectations I would strongly recommend it to anyone who needs a boost of confidence and passion in their dance and movement-related profession or reflection and a break from it. 

Above all, Goran was a very experienced, pleasant, and thoughtful facilitator who tried to share with the participants as much as possible proven practices from his own experience. I feel very fortunate to have found such a reliable mentor who is so well grounded in his passion and experience in this field, and who is always there to support and encourage participants with an open ear and heart.

This could be one of the turning points and most memorable times in my life."

Jinwook Yang; Dance Movement Therapist and a special education teacher / Korea

"I just wrapped up an amazing adventure at the Intensive Dance Alchemy Teacher Training in the stunning landscapes of Slovenia. Picture this: 14 days surrounded by mountains, rivers, and waterfalls – it was like dancing in a fairytale.

Goran, our incredible mentor and dance guru, led the way. Under his expert guidance, the training was a whirlwind of learning and growth. Goran's attentiveness and intuitive teaching style created an environment of support and exploration, enabling me to acquire a wealth of new tools for my movement and dance therapy workshops and classes. Seriously, this guy knows his stuff.

Oh, and the food? Let's just say my taste buds did a happy dance too. Healthy and delicious – a real treat for body and soul.

But the real magic? The diverse bunch of fellow participants. We came from all over the globe and quickly became like family. We shared stories, laughter, and yes, a few tears too.

And the dancing? Pure catharsis. We let loose, shed inhibitions, and discovered layers of ourselves we never knew existed. Laughter and tears flowed, creating an emotional masterpiece. 

Looking back, this training was not merely a course, it was a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The dance, nature's beauty, newfound friendships, and Goran's guidance fused into an experience that lit up my soul.

Armed with a fresh outlook and a newfound love for the healing power of dance, I can't wait to share this magic in my own practice. If you're on the lookout for an adventure that blends dance, nature, and mentorship, the Intensive Dance Alchemy Teacher Training is an absolute gem. Get ready to dance your heart out!"

Kristina Bajzat; Dancer/Embodiment Facilitator / Slovakia

Carmen Fernandez

embodiment coach and conscious dance facilitator / Spain-Ireland

Trish Roche

Dance Facilitator & Choreographer - The Place of Dance / Ireland 

Linda Norin

women’s group and dance embodiment facilitator / Sweden

Amira Shawky

Dance and retreats facilitator / Netherlands

Massimo Carrara

Manager, Business Executive / Italy

Egne Raba

dance enthusiast, movement facilitator / Finland

Katarzyna Gorczyca 

performer, choreographer, embodiment facilitator / Poland

Tinka Hernavs 

facilitating international training courses and youth exchanges / Slovenia

Maša Tiselj

TV presenter, actress, singer / Slovenia

Carolina Parreira

art & dance producer / Portugal

Bridget McLemore 

dancer and yoga teacher / USA

Maja Mlakar

helping children with their education and the challenges they face in life / Slovenia

Napat Zuber - Machima 

yoga and meditation teacher / Thailand

Paul Vratusha

 Atelier ltd. CEO

Alexey Dmitrenko

dancer, teacher & choreographer / Russia

Barbara Guipponi 

dance teacher & dancer / Italy

Ajda Flašker

meditation and yoga teacher / Slovenia

Angela Maldonado

Inner dance therapist, yoga teacher / Spain

Sandra Gojić

embodiment trainer & movement teacher / Ireland

Anne Stilling Jeppesen

psychologist, yoga teacher, healer, and a contact improv facilitator / Denmark

Jelena Vuković

poet & women embodiment coach / Montenegro

Lena O' Driscoll

yoga teacher and zumba instructor / Ireland

Natasha Ramlall 

Mind-body coach and Somatic dance facilitator / Canada

Maja Toni

bodywork practitioner & dance facilitator / Slovenia

Linda Biros

eminine energy leader / Slovakia

Luisella Zandolin

holistic & forgiveness facilitator / Italy

Katerina Danae Kandylaki

scientist and dance & movement facilitator / Netherlands

Tina Koščak

teacher / Slovenia

Katja Beck Kos

cultural manager / Slovenia

Žiga Lukman

social educator / Slovenia

Gamze Leela 

yoga teacher, spiritual healer, retreat leader / UK

Federica Cecchet

civil engineer and an architect / Italy

Svetlana Šaljič

CEO at SETCCE  / Slovenia

Lucija Poličnik

reiki master, angel therapist, horse riding teacher & urban planner / Slovenia

Živa Stojanovič

teacher of Circus. Acro yoga, Aerial yoga and Dance / Slovenia

Kristina Bajzat

Dancer/Embodiment Facilitator / Slovakia