
and other free stuff by Goran Bogdanovski

Trusting the Universe: How a Computer Glitch Turned into a Dancing Meditation

Yesterday during my Dance Alchemy session at Radiantly Alive Bali a strange thing happened in the transition between the first part (warming up workshop) and the second part (open dance floor for a free & authentic dance expression)…  my computer froze. 

For the first part of the session, I’m running on my iTunes …I create always a new playlist for the power of complete awareness, and energy, activating full body capacity, and opening up so the dance can happen through us… and then 

I’m switching to my DJ-ing program on the same computer where I mix downtempo soulful tracks for people to embody their inner dynamics and alchemize their consciousness.

And during this short transition of 30 seconds…  my computer froze. And I couldn’t do anything … nothing was responding… but the music continues to play from iTunes on low sound output. I admit I panicked for a second… what to do? Whatever I did, there were no responses on the computer… the only thing I could do is force my comp to reboot. 

I looked upon the dance floor… and people were already dancing on low sound output… should I reboot my comp and kill the flow created on the dance floor to get to my DJ-ing program and lift out the volume? 

Because when I dance I really like loud and clear music, to hit the membranes of my skin, my gut, my emotions, and my imagination. And it also forces me to use whole my body and expression in totality… 

At that moment in split seconds… I decided to let go… to trust the Universe … that whatever happens will be ok…  low sound output… maybe the music will stop… maybe not… long silence breaks between the tracks… not knowing what tracks will ITunes play next… because I prepare tracks for dance on DJ-ing program. So I just surrender and let go of what should be… and went dancing. 

In the beginning, I could sense the expectation from the people (probably I just sensed my own projection of what they are sensing:) to turn on the volume and I saw the questions in their eyes like why I’m not behind the DJ desk as I announced at the beginning of the session… 

But slowly we all dived into this very subtle soundscape and safe environment fully with our bodies, movement, dance… and a vulnerable… supportive… magical space was created that allows integrations and expressions of our inner dynamics and individuals and as a group. 

At the end when we were sitting in the circle for a short sharing, people expressed gratefulness for the fact that music was on a low volume output, it allowed them to awaken more sensitivity within themselves and more grace in their dance, they were taken into a journey inward and out of their heads, …

For some of them, it was a dancing meditation, for some of them it was resting and recharging through dance, for some of them it was connecting to their true feminine energy, for some of them it was connecting to their true masculine energy…

So thank you Universe for challenging me with this unpredictable situation and forcing me to surrender and let go of how I want it… because these situations are treasures and our great teachers. If we are brave enough to accept them, they open a space for the unexpected and unknown where we can learn something new.

But still, the rational part of my brain is saying: “Goran, you need to play your music from the new comp next time” 😀 🙏