
and other free stuff by Goran Bogdanovski

Everybody is talking about EMBODIMENT, but what is this Embodiment?

Everybody is talking about EMBODIMENT, but what is this Embodiment?

The easiest way to understand embodiment is to look at the elements of the word embodiment… it actually spells out what it is:

EM is emotion, being connected, aware, and expressing your emotions

BODY is being physically present, connected, and aware of your connection with the body, physical sensations …

I is a spirit… being aware of this aspect of you

MENT is mentality or mental capacity - mind

so … Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit… all together … being fully integrated and present right here in this moment. 

Because our mind is pretty much always either in the past or in the future. Our physical body is never in the past or in the future, it holds the past in the body and in emotions … but our body is always what is present.

And this is the practice … this is the Embodiment… being in the present moment by tuning in to the body and connecting all systems from within, and from where you can consciously live, relate, work, manifest… 

That’s why Embodiment is at the core of my work… because it allows personal, professional, and social transformation. 

And I’ve been consciously in my body since the age of 7 when I started with daily training in gymnastics and later on with dance… now 43 years later…methods I use are an accumulation of knowledge and experience gathered through my life in the field of Dance, Dance Improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Theatre, Meditation, Yoga, Martial arts, Dance Therapy, Spirituality, Shamanism, Personal growth, Team building, and Embodied Leadership.

Helping people to: 

- Re-connect with their bodies to experience complete awareness and plug into their deep potential 

- Raise their energy levels with core activation and breathing techniques for 15 min. daily to flow through life & work with ease

- Unleash their body wisdom to develop a conscious, creative, intuitive, joyful, and confident self

- Learn to improvise and express their authenticity like never before

- Increase their emotional & kinesthetic intelligence to be more mindful, balanced, and self-aware

- Grow their abilities to lead, teach and facilitate with confidence  

- Create more powerful embodied and transformational results

- Engage full body capacity to be effective under pressure and lead with clarity and inner peace

- Turn their gifts and experience into a thriving business 

- And much more...

Who are the people that are working with me: 

- an everyday people who love dance and movement or they just realized that dance is the fasted medium for personal and professional transformation

- dance artists, dance teachers, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, healers, therapy practitioners, psychologists, yoga and martial arts practitioners, dance therapists, change leaders, heart-centered catalysts of transformation... and people who are involved in community work

- executive directors, managers, and business people with some sense of body awareness who wish to boost their emotional intelligence, and self-awareness, and enhance Embodied Leadership skills to better connect with their teams

- people who have a true calling for facilitation and a sincere feeling from within to support the growth of others

- practitioners who already teach, facilitate, or heal and wish to enhance their practice

- people who love dance and movement and wish to integrate this passion into a meaningful career

- ...

I offer live Workshops, Retreats, and Teacher Training, a self-paced Online program, and 1-1 Coaching to meet your specific needs and goals... Let's Connect! 😀